POINTER,DIAL MIL-STD-130N, 17 DEC 2007 IDENTIFICATION MARKING OF U.S. MILITARY PROPERTY ASQ H1331 Table 1 Shall be used, and will take precedence over Sample Size Coding methods and Sampling Plan tables as outlined in military and federal specifications, standards, Commercial Item Descriptions (CIDs) prepared by DoD activities, and those sampling plans cited by military service and DLA Troop Support - Quality Assurance Provisions (QAPs). Those documents that identify the classification of characteristics as critical, major, and minor, shall have corresponding associated AQL Index values of 0.10,1.0, and 4.0 respectively. ASQ H1331 takes precedence over non-government standard ASQ Z1.4. Those specifications, standards, CIDs, drawings and QAPs using sampling plans based on zero acceptance are excluded from these requirements, as are those not specifying characteristics as "critical", "major", and/or "minor". |